Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Who'd have 'em?

I've mentioned before that i'm a great believer in playing favourites with children. This is mainly because, whether they liked me or not (normally the negative, I was a smartarse), every teacher I've ever had has done so and it never did me any harm. If a teacher only pays attention to the nice or funny kids, then it should force the others into taking a good, hard look at themselves until they sort out their flaws and become less irritating. Of course, many would say this is bullshit and that the kids who are lacking attention will become alienated and end up rebelling (with a cause). Luckily, I have no long term plans to become a teacher so it doesn't really matter if i'm right or wrong.

An ongoing problem i'm facing is that I really can't find it within myself to like children between the ages of 8 and 14. Before 8, they're very funny because they don't know how to do anything so there's a lot of laughs to be had watching their incompetence unfold and maybe even stepping in occasionally to tell them how it should be done. After the age of 8 comes a certain undeserved confidence which allows them to be 'cheeky chappies' and then comes the day they discover sarcasm. Of course, sarcasm is highly regarded in many circles as the highest form of wit but when children first get their hands on it, they even make Lee Evans look funny.

Maybe not.

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