Sunday, 2 January 2011

2 Things about India that I cannot believe aren't in the news every day

1. The Head Wobble.

It took me about a week to notice they were doing it but a simple wobble of the head from side to side accounts for about 20% of all communication amongst Indians. Not only did it initially look very funny, but it soon became clear that it was an incredibly versatile way of giving an answer. At first, I took it to just mean 'ok', but since I have found out it can also be used for 'yes', 'no', 'maybe', 'please',' thankyou' and 'hahahaha, very funny'. Although the motion is exactly the same for all of these, so it's basically pot luck as to which one they mean.

Being an English tourist and a great believer in the maxim that 'words are cheap', I tend to go a little overboard with my manners in foreign countries, especially in shops. However, i've recently stopped communicating with people in shops because of the head wobble. After buying something in a supermarket I would probably say something along the lines of 'well, thankyou kind sir' and all i'd get back in response is a blank expression and a quick wobble.

I suppose maybe their culture has got the upper hand on ours. Whilst we're walking around like mugs, saying please and thankyou till we've got sore throats, they've made up a system that completely bypasses all the effort involved with manners.

2. Wipe with your left, eat with your right.

I'd heard rumours and, horrifyingly, they all turned out to be true.

EDIT: By 'words are cheap', I don't mean anything like 'actions speak louder than words'. I mean they're cheap so use them as much as possible to make yourself seem nicer than you really are.

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