Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Wildlife on One

Before school today, I went for my morning wash which is a refreshing bucket-and-cold-tap affair. There's nothing strange about that but after going to dry myself with a towel I was a little bit disturbed to see that my brown towel was malting on me. A bit strange, considering it's about 3 years old and been washed more times than a month old baby's had hot dinners. I was however, thoroughly disturbed though to see that the hundreds of brown bits of towel all over me were actually red ants that had decided to nest in my towel (the perfect camouflage). For a second I completely understood how Macauley Culkin felt in My Girl with all those murderous wasps. Anyway, after soiling myself, I set about killing this unruly shower of bastards (who really like to bite...everywhere) with cold water. In hindsight, one silver lining is that at least I basically had two showers today. I will arrive home soon with an army of ant-killing products (that'll be 2 products) ready to kill some more. I don't care what anyone says, God was having a laugh when he gave us ants. 

I have also had a gecko named Geoff living with me since Monday. He doesn't do much, in fact I never see him move, but he's always in a different position so he's definitely a living thing. He likes basking in the limelight a lot so we've got that in common.

Oh, and bought a new phone today which has all the usual features plus quite a large database of Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh prayers for when you're on the go. Far more useful than bluetooth, that's for sure.

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