Friday, 3 December 2010

Secret Santi

I've been roped into a Christmas game amongst the staff and volunteers at the school called 'Krishma, Krish(insertforgottenendinghere)' which is just Secret Santa with the twist that you have to buy your randomly selected member of staff a small present every school day leading up till Christmas and then splash out on a biggie on the last day before we break up.

The name I picked out of the hat was the only adult involved with the school that I've had no form of communication with. Not even 'hello'. So I won't be showering her with gifts.

The fun part of the game is to leave notes and anonymous gifts lying around in places where you'd expect your chosen person to find them. This is why Leela, who is organising the game, today asked me to send a message from my phone to a woman named Suda so that she wouldn't recognise the number.

The message read as follows:

come in yellow sari on monday without fail

After lunch she asked me to send the same message again but with some additional material:

come in yellow sari monday otherwise you will face the consequences. Then go to each class and bark like a dog.

Wasn't comfortable writing those at all. I really hope she's familiar with the game being played this aggressively.

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