Tuesday, 7 December 2010


The guidebooks to Chennai all say that monsoon season runs from October to December in Tamil Nadu and, true to form, there has been constant rain for the last 4 days. So whilst this snow situation in England has supposedly caused chaos (i'll believe it when I see it), a few spots of rain in Sunny India has meant that schools have been closed last Thursday as well as on Monday and Tuesday this week. There's a possibility my particular school won't be educating for the rest of the week because its location is a little bit 'in the sticks', meaning there's little to no drainage and therefore the only way the flooding can subside is through good ol' evaporation.

This is, of course, excellent news. It could be argued that these kids are underprivileged and most of them are already playing catch-up with their education. And yes, most of these kids do seem to genuinely enjoy school. However from what they've told me and also just plain common sense, it seems pretty clear to me that most of the children will be lapping up this obscenely long weekend that could take us right up until Christmas. Plus, it is also noticeably cooler at around 25 Celsius. Oh, and all this water is also pretty key to making sure the population don't die of thirst next summer.
I've been using my time off productively, mind. The Swedes have given me every single episode of the classic American sitcom 'Vanner' to add to all the pirated Simpsons I bought from Sathish, so i can keep up my crap telly levels. Furthermore, i've been able to come to some important conclusions such as The Simpsons having followed a very similar career path to that other 90's superstar; Ryan Giggs. Think about it. Bursts onto the scene in 1990, enjoys adulation from all corners, hits peak in late 1990s, experiences a bit of a backlash when newer and more exciting alternatives come along (Family Guy, Wayne Rooney), takes a back seat and then finally returns to the glorious limelight to collect their Sports Personality of the Best TV Show Ever Award in their final years. No?

I should not be left alone with my own thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Following your blog! If you have nothing better to do(?) check out my blog from when I went to the USA in the summer: http://mansieontour.blogspot.com
    Regards G
