The temperature has risen considerably in the past week and in the heat, I tend to rant.
Consequently, I've been sitting in this sweatbox of a room tonight, mulling over all my angry thoughts relating to the treatment of the BBC. The level of disrespect that the organisation has been treated with in recent years is mind-boggling. I've been out here for almost 5 months now and when asked what I miss most about our wonderful home, the answer always has to be the BBC.
Brought up under the watchful eyes of Andi Peters, Moira Stuart, Ian Beale and Steve Ryder; my life wouldn't be the same without the BBC. Whilst ITV manages to plough on with its campaign of hate and mockery against the British public, the BBC has managed to maintain their standards and provide us with continually fantastic news, sport, comedy, music and entertainment (they also provide us with supposedly excellent history, science and nature content but I couldn't give a Jonathan Woss about those).
Some of the criticisms have included:-
License Fee - I think they should raise it because our money is safer in their hands anyway. And we might still have Adrian and Christine on The One Show if 'we' (firmly consider it like supporting a football team)had a bit more cash (in the Attic).
Ridiculous Salaries for Top Stars - Everyone would have been perfectly happy if some Murdoch-related media storm hadn't been concocted and made everyone realise that £2million a year is QUITE A LOT OF MONEY. I blame the expenses scandal as it kicked off all this public scrutiny about earnings. That was ridiculous anyway because it seemed fairly obvious to most that it had been going on for years, so the public outrage was a bit unnecessary. The whole thing was a bit like banning drinking on the tube. Nobody thought it was legal anyway, so why bother making such a big fuss about it?
Controversial Plotlines -
Dear Worried Mother from Beckenham,
please fuck off back to your cotton wool factory and let us watch some entertaining tv.
Love from Graham Norton.
Ageism - People like pretty people. That is the way of the world. Deal with it.
Outside of television, they oversee brilliant radio stations, internet coverage, a free iplayer and the shit darts at Lakeside. The BBC is most definitely a British institution to be proud of.
I realise I should have sent this to Points of View rather than put it on a travel blog, but that hasn't stopped me before.
p.s. I will never understand the appeal of Strictly Come Dancing. It's just dancing.
Consequently, I've been sitting in this sweatbox of a room tonight, mulling over all my angry thoughts relating to the treatment of the BBC. The level of disrespect that the organisation has been treated with in recent years is mind-boggling. I've been out here for almost 5 months now and when asked what I miss most about our wonderful home, the answer always has to be the BBC.
Brought up under the watchful eyes of Andi Peters, Moira Stuart, Ian Beale and Steve Ryder; my life wouldn't be the same without the BBC. Whilst ITV manages to plough on with its campaign of hate and mockery against the British public, the BBC has managed to maintain their standards and provide us with continually fantastic news, sport, comedy, music and entertainment (they also provide us with supposedly excellent history, science and nature content but I couldn't give a Jonathan Woss about those).
Some of the criticisms have included:-
License Fee - I think they should raise it because our money is safer in their hands anyway. And we might still have Adrian and Christine on The One Show if 'we' (firmly consider it like supporting a football team)had a bit more cash (in the Attic).
Ridiculous Salaries for Top Stars - Everyone would have been perfectly happy if some Murdoch-related media storm hadn't been concocted and made everyone realise that £2million a year is QUITE A LOT OF MONEY. I blame the expenses scandal as it kicked off all this public scrutiny about earnings. That was ridiculous anyway because it seemed fairly obvious to most that it had been going on for years, so the public outrage was a bit unnecessary. The whole thing was a bit like banning drinking on the tube. Nobody thought it was legal anyway, so why bother making such a big fuss about it?
Controversial Plotlines -
Dear Worried Mother from Beckenham,
please fuck off back to your cotton wool factory and let us watch some entertaining tv.
Love from Graham Norton.
Ageism - People like pretty people. That is the way of the world. Deal with it.
Outside of television, they oversee brilliant radio stations, internet coverage, a free iplayer and the shit darts at Lakeside. The BBC is most definitely a British institution to be proud of.
I realise I should have sent this to Points of View rather than put it on a travel blog, but that hasn't stopped me before.
p.s. I will never understand the appeal of Strictly Come Dancing. It's just dancing.
I suppose you heard that Midsomer Murders was being made by a nasty racist man? You don't get that on the BBC.