Probably deserved, i've been pretty happy-go-lucky with all the street stalls. That's enough detail about that.
What I can say is that Chennai is a mad place and i've barely seen any of it yet. The flat i'm living in for the next 2 months was given to me by the school administrator called Joel, who has incredibly given me his flat for two months while he sleeps on his cousin's floor. To compound how terrible I felt about this fact, he actually didn't have a bed until he got a carpenter to make one two days before I arrived. That seems to be what Indians enjoy though; they bloody love doing things for other people.
Every morning, Joel 'Carl Fogarty' Rajesh picks me up on his yamaha motorbike and drives at what is constantly between 60-80 km/h. Now I have never liked putting my body on the line at the best of times, but in Chennai I fear for my life every morning and afternoon. I cannot describe how chaotic the roads are (tried and failed) and there's no helmet involved at any stage of the game. Anyway, on a positive note, it does wake me up and dry my hair. (Oh and it's superwickedfast).
The school's an amazing place as well in all the ways you'd expect. But i'll talk about that another time in small detail or probably not all because I can't talk about it for too long without sounding like a nob. Suffice to say, i'm Billy Connolly.
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